Now that David Letterman is no longer on the air, I find myself missing his Top 10 Lists. So I decided to come up with one of my own. Below you'll find the 10 most popular reasons to see a therapist. While they may be a bit tongue and cheek, there's actually a lot of truth to them. Hope you enjoy it!
#10 You're not so sure that what happens in Vegas really stays in Vegas.
Although you may have many friends who act as supportive listeners, a professional therapeutic relationship is the only place where confidentiality is a guarantee. Having that assurance can really make a difference when you're discussing difficult topics. It also permits you to be completely free with your words, so you can talk about what's really on your mind without any negative repercussions. When you take the time to talk things out, you gain new insights. This leads to you having more options and making better choices in life.
#9 You've been lacking a sense of guidance since selling your Magic 8 ball on Ebay.
In an age of seemingly endless choices, making a decision can feel overwhelming. While a therapist isn't there to tell you what to do, they possess the skills to help you understand what decisions are best for you. Too often people make decisions in haste, in an attempt to fast forward through an uncomfortable process. Talking through your options with a therapist, makes the process less daunting. It also increase your chance of making a decision that yields the best possible outcome for your desired goal.
#8 You can't get anyone else to ask, "...and how does that make you feel?"
Psychotherapists are often teased for regularly inquiring about their client's feelings, but they do this for good reason. Emotional awareness is the first step in self regulation and the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. Most individuals have difficulty naming their feelings outside of "mad", "bad", "glad" or "sad". When you engage in a therapeutic relationship you develop a new vocabulary which increases your emotional intelligence. This helps you articulate your feelings more accurately and allows you to experience a broader range of positive emotions.
#7 Last time you flew, the airlines's surcharge for your emotional baggage cost more than your actual plane ticket.
Did you know that every experience you've ever had is stored in your unconscious? While you may not consciously remember most of them, your brain does and it filters every new experience through the old ones. In most situations this has no tangible effect on your daily routine, but if you are experiencing an area of life in which you fell stuck, hopeless, depressed or anxious it's best to consult with a therapist. When you're stuck in a certain behavioral pattern or emotional state, it's a signal from your unconscious that it's in need of attention. Sometimes you just can't move forward until you clean up the past.
#6 You have a feeling that buying that convertible wasn't necessarily the most cost effective way to get in touch with your inner child.
One of the biggest differences between adults and children is the amount of time each spends in play. When deprived of play, the soul becomes dehydrated killing off imagination, hope and possibility. Psychotherapy provides a safe atmosphere to reengage with your lost dreams and awaken that sense of awe you may have left behind in childhood. It may also save you from an expensive impulse purchase you'd quickly regret.
#5 You're so busy running around, it's the only way you can get 50 minutes to lay on a couch.
People mistakenly assume that psychotherapy is only for people with problem. While it is true that most people don't seek treatment until something is truly troubling them, engaging in talk therapy during any stage of life is the best way to prevent emotional and relational problems from occurring. Talking reduces stress, increases self awareness and brings about relational satisfaction for those who engage in it. Therefore, it's probably one of the most loving and generous gifts you can give yourself whether you're struggling with a relational issue or trying to prevent an emotional one.
#4 According to your latest visit to Web MD, you have symptoms related to every disorder listed on their site.
Did you know that doctors believe more than 85% of all visits to their offices are a result of stress induced illnesses? Stress is toxic to your body as well as your immune system and can wreak havoc on your emotions. Engaging in on going talk therapy, helps you release pent up negative feelings, which fuel stress. It also set you on a course to take control of your life rather than feeling overwhelmed by it.
#3 Thank to the current job market, it looks like your children will never move out.
Although spending time together as a family can be pleasant, at times to much togetherness can lead to tension and arguments. With many young adults living at home these days, it can be difficult to navigate boundary issues, privacy concerns, as well as financial arrangements. Talking with a therapist can help ensure that the family home remains a peaceful plae of community rather than a den of discourse.
#2 You're spending so much time texting, twittering and emailing, you've forgotten what it's like to have an actual conversation.
As we rely more and more on technology to make our lives easier, research indicates that doing so is having a negative effect on our relationships. Our capacity for empathy is diminishing, along with our ability to concentrate for longer periods of time. Talk therapy strengthens these skills because the process is a right brain dominant activity. After all, what could be more human than having a face to face conversation?
#1 Although you swore you'd never do it, it's clear you're turning into your mother.
There's just no getting around the fact that all roads lead back to mother. While every relationship we engage in leaves some sort of mark on us, none is as influential and long lasting as mother's. Exploring your "mother issues" with a professional is undoubtedly the best way to heal your emotional wounds and increase your capacity for intimacy in all other relationships.
#10 You're not so sure that what happens in Vegas really stays in Vegas.
Although you may have many friends who act as supportive listeners, a professional therapeutic relationship is the only place where confidentiality is a guarantee. Having that assurance can really make a difference when you're discussing difficult topics. It also permits you to be completely free with your words, so you can talk about what's really on your mind without any negative repercussions. When you take the time to talk things out, you gain new insights. This leads to you having more options and making better choices in life.
#9 You've been lacking a sense of guidance since selling your Magic 8 ball on Ebay.
In an age of seemingly endless choices, making a decision can feel overwhelming. While a therapist isn't there to tell you what to do, they possess the skills to help you understand what decisions are best for you. Too often people make decisions in haste, in an attempt to fast forward through an uncomfortable process. Talking through your options with a therapist, makes the process less daunting. It also increase your chance of making a decision that yields the best possible outcome for your desired goal.
#8 You can't get anyone else to ask, "...and how does that make you feel?"
Psychotherapists are often teased for regularly inquiring about their client's feelings, but they do this for good reason. Emotional awareness is the first step in self regulation and the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. Most individuals have difficulty naming their feelings outside of "mad", "bad", "glad" or "sad". When you engage in a therapeutic relationship you develop a new vocabulary which increases your emotional intelligence. This helps you articulate your feelings more accurately and allows you to experience a broader range of positive emotions.
#7 Last time you flew, the airlines's surcharge for your emotional baggage cost more than your actual plane ticket.
Did you know that every experience you've ever had is stored in your unconscious? While you may not consciously remember most of them, your brain does and it filters every new experience through the old ones. In most situations this has no tangible effect on your daily routine, but if you are experiencing an area of life in which you fell stuck, hopeless, depressed or anxious it's best to consult with a therapist. When you're stuck in a certain behavioral pattern or emotional state, it's a signal from your unconscious that it's in need of attention. Sometimes you just can't move forward until you clean up the past.
#6 You have a feeling that buying that convertible wasn't necessarily the most cost effective way to get in touch with your inner child.
One of the biggest differences between adults and children is the amount of time each spends in play. When deprived of play, the soul becomes dehydrated killing off imagination, hope and possibility. Psychotherapy provides a safe atmosphere to reengage with your lost dreams and awaken that sense of awe you may have left behind in childhood. It may also save you from an expensive impulse purchase you'd quickly regret.
#5 You're so busy running around, it's the only way you can get 50 minutes to lay on a couch.
People mistakenly assume that psychotherapy is only for people with problem. While it is true that most people don't seek treatment until something is truly troubling them, engaging in talk therapy during any stage of life is the best way to prevent emotional and relational problems from occurring. Talking reduces stress, increases self awareness and brings about relational satisfaction for those who engage in it. Therefore, it's probably one of the most loving and generous gifts you can give yourself whether you're struggling with a relational issue or trying to prevent an emotional one.
#4 According to your latest visit to Web MD, you have symptoms related to every disorder listed on their site.
Did you know that doctors believe more than 85% of all visits to their offices are a result of stress induced illnesses? Stress is toxic to your body as well as your immune system and can wreak havoc on your emotions. Engaging in on going talk therapy, helps you release pent up negative feelings, which fuel stress. It also set you on a course to take control of your life rather than feeling overwhelmed by it.
#3 Thank to the current job market, it looks like your children will never move out.
Although spending time together as a family can be pleasant, at times to much togetherness can lead to tension and arguments. With many young adults living at home these days, it can be difficult to navigate boundary issues, privacy concerns, as well as financial arrangements. Talking with a therapist can help ensure that the family home remains a peaceful plae of community rather than a den of discourse.
#2 You're spending so much time texting, twittering and emailing, you've forgotten what it's like to have an actual conversation.
As we rely more and more on technology to make our lives easier, research indicates that doing so is having a negative effect on our relationships. Our capacity for empathy is diminishing, along with our ability to concentrate for longer periods of time. Talk therapy strengthens these skills because the process is a right brain dominant activity. After all, what could be more human than having a face to face conversation?
#1 Although you swore you'd never do it, it's clear you're turning into your mother.
There's just no getting around the fact that all roads lead back to mother. While every relationship we engage in leaves some sort of mark on us, none is as influential and long lasting as mother's. Exploring your "mother issues" with a professional is undoubtedly the best way to heal your emotional wounds and increase your capacity for intimacy in all other relationships.